Reflecting on my experiences from four Olympic Games, I’ve come to a profound realization about what separates the phenomenal athletes from the rest. But more than that, I’ve thought a lot about what it means to be a phenomenal human being.  Because, in many ways, life is like the Olympics – with realising our own potential as the representation of winning the Gold Medal.

A Moment of Clarity in Paris

At the Paris Olympics, I witnessed something extraordinary.  An athlete I’ve been supporting for years achieved what can only be described as a moment of perfection. This was not just a display of physical prowess; it was the perfect harmony of mind, emotional regulation, and physical preparation. These elements are essential for what I call entering the “energy dimension”— others may refer to it as the spiritual dimension. It’s a realm where performance is executed from an unconscious, instinctive place. It’s where magic happens.

Harmony between mind, body and…. emotions (not soul!)

We often hear about the importance of aligning mind, body, and soul. We’re going to tweak that age-old saying, as the observations have led to the understanding that the soul operates on a different plane.

Mind, body, and emotions are all elements we can influence, unlike the soul, which simply is. It’s our awareness, our stillness, pure presence. The only variable is to what degree we consciously experience that dimension. When mind, body and emotions are in harmony, nothing stands in the way of operation from that place, realising our full potential – our own magic!

So let’s talk about these areas we can influence, so we can all access the energy witnessed in Paris – an energy available to ALL of us!

Physical Readiness, hard yet easy

Physical readiness is non-negotiable. To even make it to the Olympics, one must be fit, fast, strong, and skilled. When you’re physically ready, the performance unfolds so naturally it’s almost on autopilot. Mastery of the skill is part of the work. This too applies to life in general; we need the background, the skills, the training to be optimal in our area.

It is tempting to focus mostly on ‘physical readiness’ – it’s the easiest area to ‘control’. It is hard work, but we can plan and get it done, with perseverance, discipline and even the help of many. It’s very tangible.

Yet, it is who we are in executing this all this that holds the key to whether this physical readiness is actually going to result in phenomenal performance.

Mental and Emotional Work of equal importance

Phenomenal athletes recognize the importance of training their minds and regulating their emotions as thoroughly as they train their bodies. This work demands time, dedication, and a process of self-discovery and mastery. It’s not a five-minute-a-day job or something to do occasionally. The difference between a phenomenal athlete and a less consistent one often lies in their dedication to mental and emotional training, which is of equal importance to physical training.

The spiritual dimension

Self-discovery is about peeling back the layers to find out who we really are, what we stand for, and what we truly desire. Living with integrity means ensuring our thoughts and actions are aligned. Many find this too difficult, compromising who they are and never discovering their full potential, let alone realising it.

It is so challenging because of what sits underneath – the so called ‘dark side’. It is so engrained we are not even aware of it anymore – yet it does hold enormous power over us. The need to be liked, to fit in, and to feel part of a group – expressing as frustration, negative thinking, giving up, and procrastination. These are the barriers to reaching the spiritual dimension in performance. And it is our task to expose these, explore these and transform these.

And that’s the good news. These ‘negative experiences’ show us the path – They show us exactly where our emotional and mental work is to be done. It’s an enormous opportunity for transformation, inviting us to face it and no longer ignore – even though it’s hard and hideous at times.

Understanding our own limiting thoughts and self-sabotaging habits as well as deeply connecting with our self and dreams allow us to develop strategies and habits that sets us on the path of our potential.

We learn to be in our natural state where all the energy contained within becomes readily available with no leakage due to distractions or bad habits.

Performing Freely

When we find harmony between the physical, emotional, and mental, and free ourselves into the energy dimension, we can be present, free from worries about the future or the past, outcomes, opinions, or past events. We are anchored in the present and can release into the unconscious, instinctive, and pure energy. That is where the gold sits and is available to all of us.

Then… that gold medal is not just a physical token; it’s the true gold that pours straight from the heart – shining into the world, radiating to everything and everyone around us.

The next Olympics are waiting for you two years from now. Will you commit to the training? Who knows you’ll be rewarded with your own unique gold.